Платформа с инструменти по проекта Publenef

Date: 2018-07-25 18:13:11

Целият обем важна информация, събрана в рамките на проекта Publenef, като добри практики, ръководства и инструменти, подкрепящи изпълнението на политики за енергийна ефективност на местно, регионално и национално ниво, вече могат лесно да бъдат открити на едно място. Он- лайн платформата    “PUBLENEF TOOLBOX”,  разработена по проект Publenef съдържа добри практики и инструменти за инвентаризация, които могат да подпомогнат преодоляването на бариерите при прилагането на политики за енергийна ефективност. Платформата дава възможност на потребителите чрез събраните добри практики и инструменти да открият конкретно решение, отговарящо на техните нужди.


Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies

The Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies (ABEA) is a non-government organization, registered by the law as a legal entity with non-profit purpose.
The founder members of the Association are legal entities - agencies for energy management on local and regional level, constituted with the financial and methodological assistance of the European Commission.
  • The Association supports its members' activity and unifies their efforts either for preparation of suggestions for improvement of the national and local (municipal) normative base so that a sustainable energy policy to be ensured and towards their participation in joint projects at national, European, and international/worldwide level.
  • Keeping contacts with the Directorate for Energy aimed at application of the EC directives, as well as participation in its local and regional initiatives.
  • Collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, Sustainable Energy Development Agency /SEDA/ and Ministry of Environment and Waters and other state institutions by the development of suggestions for improving the state normative base regarding a sustainable energy development, a policy of energy efficiency, and implementation of renewable energy sources (RES).
  • Cooperation with SEDA in realization of the state policy for energy saving, introduction of new technologies and RES.
  • Exchange of information and dissemination of best practices and results at worldwide and national level.
  • Assisting the local authorities (including municipalities not belonging to the Association) in initiating and implementing projects connected to energy saving and ecology.The subject of the Association includes studying, initiating and development of projects, normative acts and standards, execution of analyses, consultations and programs in the field of energy efficiency and ecology, implementation of ecologically justified energy technologies, carrying out of training, publishing and distribution of information materials connected with the energy sector, as well as any other activity, not prohibited by the law, concerned with the problems of energy efficiency and environment.
The Mission of ABEA
The mission of ABEA is to coordinate and to join the potential and the experience of its members and to present them and their positions to the Bulgarian governmental, regional and local authorities, the private communities and to the bodies of the EC and the reflex group (DG ENER) of the Directorate on Energy for Europe as well as to the energy efficiency network ManagEnergy and other international organizations and structures.

The Vision of ABEA
In the future plans of the association the main priority of the organization is to build and improve a sustainable structure, which would support and influence the potential and will develop and express the positions of its members to the Bulgarian and European authorities, structures and organization, i. e. to act as a main representative of its members, without restricting their activities.



The Center conducts research, analysis, observation and modelling of air quality, energy consumption and GHG emissions. It employs the latest communication technologies. Its reach extends across and beyond the Balkans.




Support of the national and local activities for development and implementation of integrated policies to reduce energy consumption, air pollution and GHG emissions.

ABEA’s center for integrated management of air quality works on all components of air quality management.







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Mobile laboratory for measurement and analysis of AQ and meteorological mast Particulate monitor for monitoring of PM2,5 and PM10 Patriculate monitor for monitoring of NO, NO2, NOx  













airviro_BS airviro_logo

- Air quality management system - Airviro - 13 disperssion models for air quality monitoring




• Air quality modelling at each point
• Measurements for requirements of the integrated permits of enterprises, analysis following alerts from locations without automatic stations for measurement
• Measuring the concentration of the main pollutants: PM2,5, PM10, NO,NO2, NOx;
• Meteorological parameter - temperature, wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, atmosphere pressure


The Center’s team has extensive experience in the inventories of emissions by sectors: industry, transport,
households, etc.


The Center uses the most popular and functional system in the world for air quality management: Airviro. The system supplies 13 dispersion models (AEROMOD, Austal 2000, CALPUF, Noise Screening
ISO 9613-2, OSPM Street Canyon, SMHI: Danard Wind Model, Street Canyon, Dispersion, Grid,
Heavy Gas, MATCH, Receptor, Gauss).
The modelling can be carried out afor a municipality or larger or smaller territorial units. Modelling covers
all the requirements of municipal programmes for air quality. The modelling can be statistical, nearto-
real-time or forecast. These simulations support decision making and local air quality planning



- Air quality (AQ) monitoring - particle matter (PM2,5 and PM10) and nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, NOx)
- Emissions inventory
- Dispersion modelling of air quality and optimisation scenarios
- Development and update of municipal programmes and plans for air quality, energy efficiency, RES and biofuels
- Meteorological and climate research
- Predictive and pre-investment modelling of the impact of infrastructure projects to AQ
- Civil complaints in areas without automatic measurement station foor AQ
- Modelling emergency cases and scenarios for evacuation




139 Ruski Blvd., fl.3, suite 301
Plovdiv 4000, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 32 625 755
Fax: +359 32 625 754

Liyana Adjarova

Eng. Milena Agopyan
Expert, Project Coordinator


XIII National Conference of ABEA "INTELLIGENT CITIES AND REGIONS: integrated energy management and development, Bioeconomy, Nearly Zero Energy Buildings"

04 Decembre 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria


XII National Conference of ABEA "INTELLIGENT CITIES AND REGIONS: integrated energy management and development, Bioenergy market, Nearly Zero Energy Buildings"


06 Decembre 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria

  • More

South-East European Forum on Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Waste Management & Recycling.

28-30 March 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria

7-th South-East European Congress and Exhibition on EE & RES

13-15 April 2011, Sofia

6-th National Conference of ABEA "Strategies and policies of common sense – ЕЕ end RES solutions for energy independence,  competitive prices and exitfrom the crisis

25-26 October 2010, Plovdiv

2-nd European study tour in Rennes region (Brittany, France)

11-13 October 2010, Rennes region, France

6-th International Congress and Exhibiton on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency - The Premier EE & RES Business Event in South-East Europe


14-16 April 2010, Inter ExpoCenter - Sofia, Bulgaria, Halls 5 & 6,  Organizer - Via Expo Ltd.

The Fifth National Conference of ABEA

Agreement between the Association of Bulgarian Black Sea Region (ABCHO), Black Sea Regional Agency for Energy Management (CHRAUE) and the Directorate General for Energy and Transport of the European Commission, 25.03.2009, Varna

Seminar on "Opportunities for energy recovery of waste bimasa, on 19/03/2009, Haskovo


Fourth National Conference on ABEA


Third National Conference on ABEA

  • More about the conference here


The Second National Conference of ABEA

  • More about the conference here



Date: 2020-02-05 15:40:48

  Тhe German Environment Ministry (BMU) has launched the fourth Call for Project Ideas under the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) today. NGOs, public authorities, academic and educational institutions as well as other non-profit institutions are called upon to submit ideas for projects that contribute to climate action in Europe and strengthen European cooperation. The regional focus of the financing is on Central, Eastern, South-Eastern and Southern Europe. The deadline for submission of project outlines is 18 February 2020. This year’s Call for Project Ideas thus takes place earlier than in previous years.

A grant between EUR 50,000 and EUR 1,000,000 may be made for each project. For the first time, organisations from EU candidate countries may also (as implementing partners) apply for financing.

Further information on the EUKI, its projects and the application for project financing can be found at www.euki.de. Please share the information with your network and interested organisations in the field of climate action.

  • What: Call for Project Ideas of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI)
  • How: Submit your innovative idea for cross-border climate action in Europe here
  • When: Submit until 18 February 2020
  • Who: Governments, local authorities, educational institutions and stakeholders from civil society, science and industry

EUKI connects local actors across Europe to foster mutual exchange of knowledge, thus laying the foundation for joint viable climate policy. In past Calls for Project Ideas, 62 projects in 25 EU countries were selected for funding. Project topics include transboundary educational programmes on climate issues, developing concepts for urban cycling infrastructure, compiling ideas for a socially fair phase-out of coal power and proposals for a green EU budget. More than 160 organisations from all over the European Union participate in the projects.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at info@euki.de.

Date: 2018-11-22 18:27:28

The ASSOSIATION OF BULGARIAN ENERGY AGENCIES is organising its XIII National conference "INTELLIGENT CITIES AND REGIONS: Integrated Energy Management and Development, Bioeconomy, Nearly- Zero Energy Buildings". The Conference will be held in Sofia, Balkan Hotel, Serdika Hall on 4th December 2018, at 13:00.

We are inviting you to participate in the conference and the accompanying events. The goal is to draw the attention of national institutions, municipalities, businesses and the public to current topics in the field of integrated energy management and development, smart cities with "smart" buildings with nearly- zero energy consumption and clean air, and the possibility for investments in innovation.

For the ninth year in succession ABEA will award the most innovative and efficient installations on biomass and solar energy, divided into two categories in the Bulgarian National RES Champions League. The competition is based on strict criteria covering technical specifications of the installations, their efficiency profile and their innovative nature.  The RES Champions League aims to facilitate seamless adaptation of local communities to the rapidly changing energy situation. Realising both the effects of climate change and rising oil prices, local authorities and stakeholders sometimes are frustrated by being unable to find solutions which can be applied to address these problems.

The main topics of the conference:

  • The challenges to the Bulgarian energy policies – national and municipal targets and challenges
  • Intelligent city – sustainable energy and climate development   
  • From energy efficiency buildings to buildings with nearly zero energy consumption
  • Investments for innovation and their realization in municipalities

Information and demonstration stand in the conference hall will be available. The new tools and training platforms will be demonstrated. You can try the platforms and ask our experts.

Expected participants:

  • Mayors, city council members, municipality experts
  • Representatives of businesses in the spheres of EE and RES
  • Experts form energy agencies, universities and R&D organisations
  • Representatives of companies
  • Consultants
  • Journalists

We invite you to join us like delegate to share your point of view and ideas.

For more details, please contact us on e-mail abea@abea-bg.or or phone: + 359 32 62 57 54


Date: 2018-10-01 11:32:19


10 October 2018, 9am - 4pm

Palais des Académies, Brussels


A new Energy Efficiency Directive has been agreed upon and Europeans now have their new target: 32,5% for 2030. Public authorities through their energy efficiency strategies will be the main drivers for implementing the necessary measures and monitoring their impact towards this new target. 

The PUBLENEF H2020 project has been focusing precisely on mobilising public authorities at local, regional and national level and connecting them. Based on needs assessments and good practices analysis, the partners developed policy roadmaps in 12 cities and regions across Europe to implement energy efficiency pathways towards sustainability.

In the frame of the European Week of Regions and Cities, this event will explore the capacity of local and regional authorities to lead the transition to an energy efficient society. EU level representatives will present the new policy framework for energy efficiency and the latest financing opportunities. Successful approaches will be discussed and effective tools will be shared. You’ll have the chance to exchange with fellow experts and policy makers on the key dimensions of energy efficiency policies and together explore the latest trends and solutio


Check out the Agenda






PUBLENEF is a 3-year (2016-2019) project funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, aiming to assist EU Member States in implementing effective and efficient sustainable energy policies (with the focus on energy efficiency). The project helps to empower policy-makers to make use of best practices and policy processes implemented in other Member States at national, regional and local levels.

Date: 2018-08-27 12:50:13

The important findings of Publenef project, such as gathered by project partners best  practices,  tools and instruments supporting policymakers in implementation of energy  efficiency policies on local, regional, and national levels of administration, are now easy to be found in one place. The online platform “PUBLENEF TOOLBOX” developed under  the Publenef project consists of best  practices and tools inventories that  may be helpful to tackle the barriers the policymakers  face on their way to implement energy  efficiency policies. It is designed to give the users  the opportunity to identify the specific solution suitable to their needs  from the collection of good practices and tools.

Date: 2018-08-27 12:48:19

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The European Commission, in partnership with the Bulgarian Ministry of Energy and the UN Environment Finance Initiative is organising a regional conference on financing energy efficiency in Bulgaria and other countries from Central and South-Eastern Europe, which will take place in Sofia on Thursday, 28 June 2018.

This event is organised in the framework of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and will take place the day before the High-Level Ministerial Event of the Central and South-Eastern European Energy Connectivity (CESEC) in Sofia.

An outline agenda is available here, please book the date in your agendas and register to attend here.

The event will be an opportunity to:

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